The pharmaceutical sector deals with life-saving medicines and devices that require strict safety and reliability standards and flexible solutions that meet market requirements.
Pharmaceutical companies in particular need to be able to respond quickly to changes in technology and new patient needs. CB Automation responds with 100% safe equipment and fully qualified assembly and control processes.
Our role, with 70 years of experience, is to provide state-of-the-art assembly solutions and technologies that help pharmaceutical companies achieve their safety and reliability goals.
Every product (device) that comes off from our assembly platform is the result of rigorous testing and quality control.
Design for assembly consultancy is one of our strengths. Modular assembly systems tailored to your specific requirements. Our platforms are flexible and scalable, allowing rapid adaptation to different recipes variants. This reduces downtime and increases productivity. Reliability and validation are essential: our experts will guide you through the validation process, assisting you create a comprehensive documentation package to ensure your readiness for any eventual authority audit.